your young child struggle with drawing and writing when other children
of the same age don’t seem to have the same difficulty? Does your child
often get fatigued because the physical process of writing is so
arduous? Dysgraphia is a learning disability (LD) that affects writing, which requires a complex set of motor and information-processing skills.
is a developmental process (meaning that the ability to write doesn’t
happen all at once) so a person with dysgraphia may display different
challenges at different ages. Dysgraphia generally emerges when children
are first introduced to writing, and it may or many not occur with
other types of LD. Keep in mind that most children will struggle with
learning at times and that learning disabilities such as dysgraphia, do
not go away over time. Dysgraphia is most often formally identified in
school-age children, but signs of the disorder can often be seen in
If you’re concerned about your child, review the
following list of common warning signs of dysgraphia in children in
Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2. Be aware that some of the “symptoms” listed
below also apply to other types of learning disabilities and/or to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which often co-exist with learning disabilities, so you may want to look over our more comprehensive Interactive Learning Disabilities Checklist to take a broader approach your child’s struggles.
For at Least the Past Six Months, My Child Has Had Trouble
Writing and Drawing
- Learning to draw and write at the same pace as children the same age.
- Gripping a pencil comfortably when writing or drawing.
- Forming letters and shapes.
- Understanding uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Leaving consistent spacing between letters and words.
- Writing/coloring on a line or within margins.
- Copying letters and numbers neatly and accurately.
- Spelling even familiar words correctly.
- Writing/printing neatly and without a lot of cross-outs and erasing.
- Maintaining energy and easy posture when writing/drawing.
- Being motivated and confident about writing, drawing and learning.
- Taking pride in his artwork and written work.
If any of these warning signs reflect your child’s struggles, don't
hesitate to seek help. Print this article, check off the warning signs
that apply to your child, and share it with professional such as your
child’s teacher and/or pediatrician. The sooner a child’s LD is
identified, the faster your child will be able to receive the support
needed to succeed in school and in life. Trust your observations and
have the courage to advocate for your child’s special needs.
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